“Professional” Media Commentators Outted as New Democrats (5 Years After I Called One Of Them Out)


Back in February 2007, I wrote this (at the end of a blog post)

Mr. Attaran should produce a bit more evidence before making allegations as he has.
Judge him for yourself. Mr. Attaran has written for the Globe and Mail (left leaning), The Washington Post (left leaning), The New York Times (VERY left leaning) and his previous employer was the “Sierra Legal Defence Fund” (Granola crunching, left leaning, tree hugging, legal action group).
I think Mr. Attaran should come clean. His actions indicate he wants Canada out of Afghanistan. Just like his buddy Jack Layton.
ADDENDUM: Actually, Mr. Attaran is quoted on page 3 of one of Alexa McDonough’s “Global Perspectives” flyers from 2003

And finally someone in the main stream media has caught on. And once again it is the Sun Media chain that breaks the story so many others choose to ignore.

And the unsuccessful NDP leadership campaign of Ottawa MP Paul Dewar accepted a $1,200 donation from University of Ottawa law prof Amir Attaran>

One thought on ““Professional” Media Commentators Outted as New Democrats (5 Years After I Called One Of Them Out)

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    May 2, 2012 at 10:27 pm

    Serial anti-Harper complainer and Ottawa Citizen regular Attaran has long been recognized as spokesman for the opposition parties. Unfortunately, such is the reputation of Ottawa U, that any professor posing as an expert has that hurdle of left bias to overcome.

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