May Two Four? Or May Two By Four?

It doesn’t matter if you are cracking open a case of Labatts blue, affectionately called a Two Four, or if you are helping a friend build that deck by hammering down a two by four. This long weekend is one that many Canadians relish more than any other through the summer as it indicates the beginning of the monthly string of Holidays running through to Labour Day.

Many know that the holiday is to celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday, but it is also the annual celebration of the birthday of the reigning Monarch. Since her crowning, over 50 years ago, Queen Elizabeth’s birthday has been celebrated on Victoria Day. This is not new and in fact there is historic record that many Monarch’s had their birthday celebrated on that of a former Monarch.

But in almost every case, the celebration was left on the previous Monarch’s birthday because the new Monarch ascended to the throne at an older age which meant if the date of the holiday was changed, it would just have to be changed again soon.

In the case of Queen Elizabeth, whose actual birthday is on April 21st, this has not been the case. Victoria was Queen for about 62 years. Elizabeth has been Queen for about 54 at the time of this posting.

Some out there think that the current Monarch of the Commonwealth deserves a nationally celebrated day due to her tenure as our Queen. I am not sure. I still know that if we do ever decide to add a new national holiday that Flag Day in February would be better. The winter blahs could use a boost and April already has the Easter break.

In any case, this weekend I will be cracking a few beers, trying to squeeze in some yardwork between thunderstorms, and probably setting off a few sparklers with the kids in honour of both Queen Victoria (God rest her soul) and Queen Elizabeth II (God Bless Her).

No, I’m not a staunch Monarchist, but I do believe in the civility that the position stands for. And getting a day off work ain’t so bad either!!

If you have the interest, you can read more about the recent Monarch’s birthdays here.

A safe weekend to all. Please don’t drink and drive.

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