Smackdown Of The Week (May 11th, 2006)

The exchange below took place in Question Period today, May 11th, 2006. The Smackdown of the Week was the Prime Minister’s reply.

Scott Brison (Liberal – Kings-Hants, NS): Mr. Speaker, this is what the Prime Minister said. “The science is still evolving with respect to climate change. It is a scientific hypothesis and the controversial one that may be a lot of fun for a few scientific and environmental elites in Ottawa.” When the Prime Minister doesn’t even believe in the science of climate change, why is the Environment Minister trying to chair a climate change conference?

Prime Minister Harper: Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Environment is putting together a real plan to deal with climate change. Let me read a description of the previous governments plan. “Instead, the previous plans in terms of Kyoto agreement was written on the back of an airplane napkin on the way to Kyoto. There was no altered planning. There was no real negotiations with the provinces or with industry sectors. In fact, it was a last minute, hastily drafted, agreement.” Those were the words of the member for Kings-Hants.

Our Prime Minister sure has his QP rebuttals ready to go. He whipped Brison back so fast and hard, that Brison’s office was probably inundated with calls from chiropractors from around the country offering their services.

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