Just In Time For Outdoor Patios …

… I have quit smoking.  After freezing my ass off outside all winter.  After all the sniffles and wasted tissue paper.  After all the years of blowing my cash on the only consumer product, that when used as directed, will kill you.  I have finally quit for good.  I know it this time. 

What’s different?  Well I have tried Zyban … too buzzy for me.  I have tried Nicorettes … taste horrible.  I have tried the patch … it didn’t satisfy that oral fixation.  But this time … this time things are different.

You see I have this friend of a friend of a friend with a “candy” boat.  And every so often they sneak on down to visit our neighbours to the south and come back with some Commit nicotine lozenges.  They are these little tablets that seem to cover the best of all worlds.  They satisfy the nicotine habit.  They satisfy the oral fixation.  I made a game that I am not allowed to pull the easy corner of the package to open them so it satisfies my hands for a few minutes regularly.  And it keeps me from that nasty tar and carbon monoxide which satisfies my doctor!!

The Commit lozenges aren’t contraban (it’s only candy and nicotine and not unlike Nicorettes) but it isn’t sold up here in Canada so all you Yankees who think pharmaceuticals only go one way across our border …. (buzzzz) … wrong.  I am already counting what I have left and planning for my next mission of espionage!!

Wish me luck.  (And don’t worry, I promise not to become the infamous reformed non-smoker who harangues his smoking friends incessantly).

I want to give some credit to my sister who has now been over 10 weeks smoke free for introducing me to these lozenges.  They are doing the trick.  I also want to thank my wife who is encouraging me to quit by quitting herself.  I have a feeling with both of us working on it together, we will have a long healthy life ahead of us.

Now to figure out what to do with the savings.  For those of you who don’t smoke, a pack of large cigarettes is over $10 in some shops and consistently over $9.

Maybe a roll out basketball net for my next “get healthy” objective.  Lose 50 to 70 lbs and dunk again.  (Yes I could dunk when I was a lot lighter … and I don’t mean donuts into my coffee!)

One thought on “Just In Time For Outdoor Patios …

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    April 19, 2006 at 10:47 am

    good for you! good luck with it and it should be easier with the folks around you quitting, too.

    I quit in 1984 after 19 yrs of smoking, though I quit because I got too sick with a pneumonia to suck the smoke in without choking (best thing that ever happened to me).


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