Together We Can Move A Mountain … Carp Mountain To Be Specific

On Saturday April 22nd at 9 am there will be a mass of people gathering at the new Stittsville flea market at Hazeldean Rd. and Carp Rd. for a march up to the landfill at Carp Rd. and the 417 in an effort to show that the expansion of the dump is not wanted by local residents.

This might be a nice way for you and your kids to celebrate Earth Day. (I probably sound like a lefty but no one should have to live in their own filth. Even animals are smart enough to get rid of their waste away from where they live.

I encourage all residents in West Ottawa to head on down and enjoy what will hopefully be a nice warm day (but not so warm that the dump starts breathing).

You can visit for more information.

One thought on “Together We Can Move A Mountain … Carp Mountain To Be Specific

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    April 24, 2006 at 2:28 pm

    Thank you very much for advertizing the march last Saturday. It was a big success, even though the press estimated the crowd at 300 or so, we actually did a count as people marched down Carp road and it was closer to 1000 people attending. All and all, when you take in consideration that the sky was very grey and some rain on occasion, they ( committee)did well.
    Now the biggest challenge is to get the city of Ottawa politicians and staff to respond to the Terms of Reference on time, the deadline is May 12 Th, 2006 and a week ago, city staff announced that they will not be able to respond on time, but only in June. It is unbelivable that staff and council are showing such a lack of interest in helping closing the dump and help looking at alternatives to having a mountain of trash in the middle of a community. They all look like their busy doing something but for those that are close to the case, it’s a real mess

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