Support Bill C-391

My open letter to the eight Liberal MPs who voted to abolish the long gun registry last year but who are now being whipped by Liberal leader Michael Zsohar.

Click Here to email them your views.

Dear Liberal MPs.

I am writing to appeal to you and ask you for your help.

I am not a gun owner. I have never owned a gun. But I am a tax payer who is tired of seeing the long gun registry suck up my tax dollars when we all know that the vast majority of gun crimes is committed by hand guns in an urban environment and not by long guns in the hands of hunters and farmers.

From my understanding, your leader has decided to whip the upcoming vote on abolishing the gun registry. (Bill C-391). I am writing to implore you to stand up together as a group and once again support what is the right thing to do for our nation. Your leader is making you all a sacrificial lamb in the next election if you choose to let him whip you to vote against this bill.

Please know that I appreciate your hard work representing your consitutents, even though I am not a direct supporter of your party, I do respect all MPs and especially the wishes of their constituents. I hope you respect their wishes as well.

Thank you and regards,

Not A Gun Owner But A Taxpayer

10 thoughts on “Support Bill C-391

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    April 23, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    I hope a lot of constituents of these Liberal MPs will write them emails to tell them to tell Michael Ignatieff to go pound sand.

    And if Mikey doesn’t like it, and tries to dole out some discipline, they can just cross the floor.

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    April 23, 2010 at 9:52 pm

    I bet there are many of them that would like to cross the floor. It must be so embarrassing to have Mr.Zohar as their leader. The liberal party can’t be salvaged.

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    April 25, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    I think its time the American who wants to be Prime Minister went back to Connecticut, he seems much closer to Pres. Obama than the people of Canada, I do hope the Liberal members who voted for the bill have the courage to follow their constituents wishes.

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    April 30, 2010 at 9:51 am

    I agree that the gun registry should be cancelled. It is doing nothing to prevent crime in this country. It is only using up tax dollars. I am sick of the government wasting our money on stupidity. This program has cost Canadians billions of dollars to date and it is time to stop the nonsense.

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    April 30, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    Canadian gun control advocates are fully committed to making sure the failed Liberal long gun control program survives no matter the cost to Canadians financially, culturally or legally. If they can defeat C-391 and save their long gun firearms registry, they will be emboldened to pursue even more stupid and restrictive gun control laws that will only continue to target the law-abiding Canadian gun owners and not real criminals.

    The Star, which is a now a well known Liberal Party propaganda machine, has also mis-used its public influence to spread mis-information about the failed long gun registry in an attenpt to support the dubious Liberal political agenda. See–a-long-gun-claimed-life-of-opp-officer

    Silence means acceptance and the Coalition for Gun Control and their allies (e.g. The Star) are by no means staying silent. They are pressuring the government and opposition MP’s by all means possible to remove their support from Bill C-391 so it does not make it through the parliamentary committee process or third reading in the House of Commons.

    Let these self serving proponents of the long gun registry hear your voice today by Printing, Signing and mailing the NFA postcards to Ottawa within the next 7 days: one to the Liberal Opposition Leader Michael Ignatieff, and one to the NDP Leader Jack Layton.

    See for more details.

    Be a part of an historic moment that would see the end of the failed long gun registry.

    Please feel free to pass this message on to all other Canadian citizens who are concerned about the government further encroaching on their civil liberties just to satisfy some mis-guided political agenda.

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    May 3, 2010 at 9:03 am

    The liberals and ndp state the need to “support” the police by keeping the present ineffective system of gun registry. But I can cite 4 reasons why they should vote in favour of Bill C-391……. the 4 RCMP officers who died a couple of years ago in Alberta, who had full knowledge by the system that their quarry was armed, BUT IT DIDN’T SAVE THEM ! Common sense dictates that EVERY situation you attend as a police officer has the potential for an extreme outcome. Supporting this bill will help overcome false assumptions on behalf of police and replace it with a logical approach.

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    May 6, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    I also wrote many letters to members of parliament. Real letters, not emails.

    Also, here is an interesting story of an individual who refused to be crushed by long guns control laws.

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    May 20, 2010 at 12:56 pm

    Excellent letter, however you should be careful to state “the LONG GUN registry”. A great deal of the emotive power people apply to this issue is actually through misinformation, ie: making people think that all guns will no longer be registered. Smoke and mirror my friends; Handguns, shorter weapons, and generally anything even remotely “military” is already registered and will not be affected by Bill C-391.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    June 24, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    The non-restricted long gun registry has not been proved to have saved a single life in Canada.
    Even the restricted handgun registry has not been proved to have saved a single life in Canada.
    Phantom facts and figures schemed up by the anti-gun lobby do not prove registration is a public safety issue because criminals access black market weapons regardless of gun laws in force.
    The registration of firearms is about controlling the law abiding and making it easier for future confiscation of sporting arms from the law abiding.
    Any politician or Chief of Police who tells you otherwise is blowing smoke in your face. A street level policeman will not bet his safety on a flawed, computerized registry database.

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    November 18, 2010 at 10:46 pm

    Well, those idiots shut the bill down and we’re left filling out paperwork that’s useless.

    My god, why is it so hard to own a gun? Criminals will own it either way, so why not level the playing field? I can only feel ashamed for this liberal party of ours.

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