Kathleen Wynne Imitates Daffy Duck. Calls Opposition "Despicable" For Opposing Liberal Plan To Educate 12 Year Olds About Anal Sex

I swear I am not making this up.

After moving forward with plans to change the sex education curriculum, Dalton McGuinty turned an about face.

McGuinty’s surprise move came just three hours after his ministers defended the scheme at Queen’s Park.

During the morning question period, debate turned nasty with Transportation Minister Kathleen Wynne, who was education minister until January and oversaw the new curriculum development, calling the Progressive Conservatives “despicable” for opposing it.

“You’re aligning yourselves with homophobes,” a visibly angry Wynne shouted at the Tories. Wynne is the first openly lesbian cabinet minister in Ontario history.

Hey Ms. Wynne. Shouldn’t 12 year olds be more concerned about the three R’s? Or maybe daydreaming about their first kiss? Or maybe wondering if the new episodes of Sonny With A Chance are coming out on Family Channel?