Government Daycare Advocates Are Hiding Something…

I have been a bit busy to read around but with the ongoing hype around a recent report on what mothers in Canada want, I always find Sara over at ChoiceForChildcare a good source. She has a great post outlining the public funding that was received by various lobby groups that promote public daycare.

It’s quite interesting to see how much we pay these groups to hit us up for our money.

Here’s a few

  • Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada
    Ottawa Ont — $204,526
  • Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care
    Toronto Ont — $110,000
  • International Child Care Canada Inc
    Mississauga Ont — $286,458
  • Alberta Centre for Child, Family & Community Research
    Alberta– $100,000
  • BC Aboriginal Child Care Society
    West Vancouver BC — $820,132

This is just a few from a list which totals almost $4.7M dollars. How’s that for buying access to your wallet?

The Quebec daycare system with 30 odd thousand on the waiting list that is so highly touted by the Liberals and NDP isn’t what we want. Is it? A month or so ago there was the story about the child left outside in the cold, asleep for hours. Then just the other day we have two more workers fired for leaving a child in the facility after they closed for the day and locked up. How would you like to be THAT mother showing up to pick up the child and finding the lights off and building closed.

One thought on “Government Daycare Advocates Are Hiding Something…

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    March 23, 2006 at 7:45 am

    I read the quote too fast then went back and say they met with the board of directors, sorry about that. When I get a chance though I will do a back ground check on the board… YWCA how many fake feminist do you think run that one…

    Yes, you are right they are hiding something. I can feel it in my bones. Now we just have to find it.

    Stats and polls they go by but a parents won’t. If you take your kid to a daycare and ask 10 parents for reference. 9/10 parents say its great so that is a good stats for it. But since you are a parent, you follow the one bad remark don’t you?

    So they hide the problems because statistically its more viable!

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