West End Ottawa Citizens About To Get Dumped On

What do you call a west end Ottawa resident who may be at the whim of a deal City Council inked back in 2001?

You call them Officially Screwed.

In an Ottawa Sun article, Derek Puddicombe reports on an agreement that was entered into by our Council around the time of amalgamation which called for them to expedite valid landfill expansion claims. What does this mean? It means if Waste Management shows it’s expansion will be handled as per environmental guidelines, there probably isn’t much that all the yelling and screaming by local citizens will accomplish.

Carp Mountain will likely have no problem expanding and reaching higher than the 20 storeys it currently climbs.

In a related article, Torontonians may have a louder voice than West Ottawa when the Michigan border closes to Toronto trash leaving the province very few options other than to approve the landfill expansion.

Today I heard a statistic on Lowell Green’s show that said if a high efficiency incinerator was put to work on the landfills current pile of trash, and the heat used to generate electricity, it could power the city of Ottawa for 5 to 7 years. With expectations that another 300 Million tons a year will be coming our way, I see this as being more and more logical. The going rate for power would mean the city of Ottawa could sell the electricity, use the proceeds to pay the costs of the incinerator and the added cost per ton to dispose of it, and eliminate the mountain in less than a decade.

But that would be too logical.

2 thoughts on “West End Ottawa Citizens About To Get Dumped On

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    March 22, 2006 at 2:28 pm

    From the Ottawa Sun, March 22/06-

    “Gilles Chasles, one of the leading opponents of the Carp Rd. dump expansion, is running for the Goulbourn Ward 6 seat.

    The seat is held by Janet Stavinga, who voted for the expansion but now opposes it.

    Chasles is the founder of NoDump.ca, a grassroots group trying to stop the expansion.

    The president and founder of Stittsville’s Danicks Data Systems Inc. plans to launch his candidacy today at 11 a.m. at the Kanata Client Service Centre.”

    This saga continues; it’s far from over.

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