My Message To Our Olympians – Canada Loves You All

I love the Olympics. I always have. I think our Olympians need to know that whether they own the podium or not, that we love them all. I see a few post event interviews with some Canadians who seem dejected and feel like they have let us down. It’s ok to feel that way. In fact, I think it might even be natural. But don’t get too far down in the dumps. You are at the elite level on the whole planet which makes you pretty darn good at what you do.

And us Canadians? Well I think it is obvious that we love every athlete willing to put in the hours, days, weeks, months, years of dedication to reach where you have and that you are willing to go and do it in front of the world on behalf of all Canadians.

Of course we get REALLY REALLY REALLY enthusiastic when one of us is the best in the world. We should be. But a 7th or a 5th or a 29th or a 56th just means that you are better at your craft than over 5 BILLION other people in the world. For that you deserve to keep your chin up.

So my message to athletes like Mellisa Hollingsworth and Denny Morrison, who have both felt like they let us down, just know we were smiling and cheering you on and happy for you. We’re all proud of you.