A Night To Remember

Tonight I attended the Senators vs. Capitals hockey game at the Scotiabank Centre here in Kanata. I was surprised to see so many men in military uniforms walking towards the stadium and figured it must be an Armed Forces night, which it was. I was settling in to my company’s season tickets, right on the glass in section 115 and turned around to see almost two whole rows of men in their fatigues and berets. I asked one of our fine soldiers if his boss was attending. He said yes, he’ll be about four or five rows behind us.

Having worked hard on Gordon O’Connor’s campaign, I was quite excited to be able to rib him about having better seats than he got. I turned around every few minutes and then noticed a big group of men in dark suits and coats huddling as they came down the row. I espied our Minister of Defence among the throng, but then realized that he wasn’t the highest ranking official in the place. Beside him was Peter McKay and right there, five rows behind me and 7 seats over was Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his son.

I was awestruck, and joined a few people in snapping some cell phone shots.

Harper At Sens GameAt the first intermission, Mr. Harper walked down and stood in the corner beside the penalty box to get some pictures taken of himself and some of the troops. He was cordial as many well wishers stopped by to shake his hand, me included. I introduced myself and told him I was pleased to help on Gordon’s campaign and that I thought he was doing a bang up job so far and that I was both proud and pleased that he was leading our country in the right direction.

He asked me what my blog was and I told him. He said he is pretty sure he had heard the name from his wife and repeated what many of us know. She is a blog reader. Whether or not he was just being cordial, I appreciated his friendliness and was, especially, pleased to see him sitting in a seat and not tucked up in a box. I also must say that considering the game was a 7-0 blowout at one point, the whole entourage stayed for the whole game which ended with a 7-1 score. Alexander Ovechkin scoring the lone Caps tally.

I mention this last goal because I really respect Ovechkin for his skill, but tonight during the warmup, he saw a youngster sitting a couple of seats over from me and flipped the lad a puck over the glass. With the puck and a quick handshake from Mr. Harper, this will be a game that young man remembers for a long time.

I think I will probably be floating around on cloud 9 for the next few days after meeting our illustrious leader. Ironically, I was wearing my OfficiallyScrewed.com baseball hat tonight (shameless promoting in a throng of 19,000 plus. When I went up to the concourse at the second intermission I gave Gordon a wave. Upon passing him I said hi and shook his hand. Peter McKay gave me a funny look. Maybe it was the hat….maybe it was me in a sweatshirt and jeans and being greeted nicely by our Minister of Defence. In any case, it was nice seeing Peter get a stick from someone in the penalty box and giving it to Ben Harper. A nice touch on a nice evening.

2 thoughts on “A Night To Remember

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    March 5, 2006 at 11:38 am

    General Rick Hillier
    Gordon O’Connor
    Minister of National Defence
    National Defence Headquarters
    Major-General George R. Pearkes Building
    101 Colonel By Drive
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    K1A 0K2

    Dear Idiots,

    You have got to be joking!

    Are you stupid, or something?

    You would go into an area, sit on the ground, with no one protecting your back?

    Do you idiots have any training in Military Strategy?

    How to hell are toys and soccer balls given as gifts going to protect you?

    It reminds me of that idiot Ralph Klein trying to impress the Olympic Committee with a sausage breakfast and straw cowboy hats, while the other countries were placing $1M bribes in tha back pockets of the Olympic Committee members?

    Let’s grow up Canada, you are playing with the “big boys” now!

    You had better get over this idiotic UN mentality, you are in a war zone area!

    And, wars take in a lot more than traditional warfare, you are now talking about insurgence, with the full knowledge and approval of the Village elders!

    You should have realized this Hillier!

    As for the new Defense Minister and the new Prime Minister, they had better learn quickly, if they can?

    First off, Harper had better get rid of that smirk he has on his face, he looks guilty, like the cat that swallowed the canary!

    Let’s not display to the world that you are absolute morons!

    What to hell were the other soldiers doing when this guy took his axe out of his clothes, waved it above his head, and then struck Lieut. Trevor Greene?

    Were they picking their nose?

    It appears that this idiot Schamuhn was doing just that!

    “He came out of the crowd and pulled out an axe from underneath his clothing and lifted it above his head standing right behind Trevor,” said Capt. Kevin Schamuhn, the platoon commander who was sitting at Greene’s side. [CA/News/WorldNewsArticle.htm?src=w030469A.xml]

    All of this takes time, giving those standing around sufficient time to kill the bastard with the axe LONG BEFORE he has struck!

    “The guy lifted up the axe and cried out the ‘Allah Akbar,’ the jihad prayer before they commit suicide. And he swung the axe into Trevor’s head.”

    Wasn’t anyone protecting this guys back!

    This idiot Putt doesn‘t seem to get it yet!

    “We would classify it is absolutely cowardly, a maniac I guess is safe to say,” said Col. Tom Putt, the deputy commander of Canadian forces in Afghanistan.

    Of course it’s a cowardly act, the enemy are insurgence and are not about to give you an invitation to their activities!

    Get with the program idiots!

    You are war!

    “The area in question has been one of the transit routes for some time for the Taliban,” Putt said.

    If you know it is Taliban territory, why would you put your guard down!

    Just plain stupid!

    Why should young Canadian soldiers put their lives in the hands of idiots like you?

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