Vetting And Sweating: It Should Be Part Of The Supreme Court Justice Nomination

I am pleased to see that we are going to vet Marshall Rothstein as part of his nomination for Supreme Court Justice.

If Stephen Harper hopes to move the agenda forward with elected judges, then we, the public, should pay very close attention to things like this. It is our best chance to see and understand what the opinions are so we can better vote for or against certain nominees down the road.

I think personal life questions are not necessary, and should be avoided. But I do believe, as does Phantom Observer, that justices need to speak to their past decisions and to prospective future ones. This is the whole point of them being judges and us electing them. The majority can determine what they feel is best. We won’t always win, but at least we would know where they stand on things like abortion, same sex marriage, etc as far as interpretation in our constitution.

Hopefully, it goes well for Rothstein tomorrow. He, apparently, has good credentials and is well respected in both the Conservatives and the Liberal parties, as well as with the legal community, in general.