Kilrea Concurs With My Assessment Of Municipal Election Landscape

When I predicted Alex Munter’s entry in the Ottawa Municipal Elections would split the left wing vote, I didn’t know Terry Kilrea would agree with me. But it is good to know my hunches can be right.

Mr. Kilrea believes that with Mr. Munter in the race, the center/left vote will be split between his rivals and he stands a good chance of becoming Ottawa’s next leader.

“They’ll split the vote,” Mr. Kilrea said yesterday. “Alex is going to take the left votes that would have gone to the mayor. Anybody voting for me will not vote for Alex Munter. There’s only one place for him take votes from, and that’s the mayor.

“Alex is a younger carbon copy of the current tax and spend mayor, but he’s more left, and Ottawa can’t afford Alex Munter.”