Is It Me Or Is That Blood I Smell On The Ice?

Warning: The content of this post contains violence and parents may want to cover the eyes of their kids.

If you think this post is going to be about baby harp seals, you’re wrong. Although it’s a hot topic, I already covered that one here.

Today, on a day when the temperature reached almost 20 in Ottawa, the topic (and smell in the air) is playoff hockey. I got an email with a link to a video of the brouhaha between the Senators and the Flyers from a couple of years ago. You can watch the video by going here. (Thanks for the link Pete, it really can get someone psyched up for the playoffs). I am not positive of the start date, but first round games should start on or about Friday April 21st. A mere 3 weeks away.

This year my Leafs look to be doomed to watch the action on video Ipod downloads while they golf the next day. What a miserable year they had. It wasn’t unexpected with the new salary cap restrictions that force John Ferguson Jr. to the brink of unemployment. But lucky me, I am also a Senators fan. Living here a mere 5 clicks from the Palladium … errr …. Corel Center …. errrr …. Scotiabank Place, and sharing access to rink side seats with a co-worker, I should get to about half the playoff games in town. The house should be a rocking for at least two rounds of hockey and more than likely 3 or 4 if the Sens play the way they have all season.

Drop a comment in the box regarding what you think about the pending NHL Playoff picture.

It's Miller Time Folks!

It’s always good to know scandal isn’t reserved for the federal politicians. In this story Toronto Mayor David Miller has requested the services of the ethics commissioner with regard to the disbursement of $400,000 in contracts to the employer of his campaign chairman. Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong was the one who noted the name in the contract bid.

Mr. Minnan-Wong said yesterday that city staff had shown him Northstar’s confidential bid information. He said Mr. Laschinger’s name appears three times within the first 15 pages.

Stephen Tile, Northstar’s president, said Mr. Laschinger’s name appears only in lists of staff that worked on previous government contracts for the firm, which Northstar was obligated to provide.

He said Mr. Laschinger’s name and links to the mayor “did not come up” in any conversations with the city staff evaluating the contract or in the oral presentation his firm made to win the work.

This looks to me like a classic case of name dropping. Let’s see what the Ethics Commissioner comes up with.

Via The Reclusive Antiquarian