Canadian Health Care System Under John Stossel's Watchful Eye

Mark your calendars.  On Friday July 24th, John Stossel has a segment on ABC’s 20/20 which looks at the Canadian Universal Health Care system.   This is very timely as the Obama administration is poised to pass a Universal Health Care bill through Congress.

In an effort to educate American’s about our system, Stossel does some serious digging.  In a brief preview some of the information that will be revealed is:

a)  Canadian doctors earn less than 50% of what their American counterparts make, which leads to the doctor shortage.

b)  towns in Canada are holding lotteries when space opens up with local family doctors to determine which family will get a doctor.

c) CT Scans, MRIs and other critical tests can get done usually next day…if you are a cat or a dog.  But for a human the wait time is far longer.

If Stossel ‘s past segments are an indication of what we can expect then this segment should be eye opening for Canadians as well as Americans.  I urge you all to take note and set your PVR’s.  For a sneak peak, check out the early promo by clicking here.

We will also do our part and try to get the show recorded and posted to the web as we feel it is critical for Canadians to know how OfficiallyScrewed we really are.