Say No To A Liberal/NDP Coalition And Tell the Governor General

Now is the time to act.

Everyone needs to let the Governor General know they oppose the Liberal/NDP coalition government.

You can write the GG by emailing her at

You should address the email with the following

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaƫlle Jean
Governor General of Canada
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A1

Reasons you can site are:

-The Liberals and NDP together have fewer seats than the Conservatives.
-Any coalition would need to be propped up by separatists
-Each and every confidence vote made under a coalition would only come with concessions to the Bloc further increasing the fiscal imbalance and angering non Quebecers.

I urge everyone to write her TODAY and ask your friends to do the same.

Flood her office.