A Lazy Sunday Searching A Lazy Site

Today was a lazy Sunday for me. Some light reading online….my daughter had two separate 2 hour stretches of gymnastics and my son had Taekwondo and we did our usual Sunday dinner out. This has gotten to be a family ritual. We alternate weeks picking restaurants. This week my wife chose. The remaining three family members (in this case, Cookie, T-Bone and myself) each scribble down on a piece of paper their guess as to what restaurant will be chosen. Then when we get in the car, we play hangman with the restaurant picker playing host. Once we figure out what the restaurant is, we open up our scraps to see if anyone got it right. I think today was the second time ever someone got it right. T-Bone guessed Jack Astor’s and that’s where my wife chose.

Anyway, aside from that I have been online sporadically looking at the City of Ottawa website, trying to see what kind of information I could gleen regarding this foot bridge they are building over the Rideau. I found a few scraps, but I must say this. The City Of Ottawa website is up to date, but impossible to really find anything specific. Am I missing something?

If anyone has any tips, I would love to hear them.

p.s. Ottawa Blogger gathering will be happening. I will have details online in the next day or two.