Convention Blogging I – Travel To Winterpeg and Wednesday Night Dinner

My travel to Winnipeg, as expected, was on a plane full of people I recognized. From seeing Martin Stringer of CPAC checking in, to seeing Walter Robinson in the line up to get on the flight, to having Joël-Denis Bellavance ov La Presse sitting a couple of seats back, to having MP’s Pierre Poilievre and Guy Lauzon walk on the plane just before take off, the flight was fun. I had two of my fellow EDA delegates on board and I had another delegate from Nepean-Carleton whom I know sitting beside me so we gabbed politics the whole flight. My day was starting off on the right foot but would only get better.

Wednesday night is probably going to be the climax of my convention and it hadn’t even started. I ran into an old acquaintance in the lobby of the Delta and while talking we ran into Pierre Poilievre (Nepean-Carleton). Not having dinner plans, Pierre graciously asked me to join him and a few friends for dinner. Little did I know it would be MP’s Jay Hill (Prince George – Peace River), Tim Uppal (Edmonton – Sherwood Park), Brian Jean (Fort McMurray – Athabasca). It was nice to get a call from my MP, Gordon O’Connor (Carleton – Mississippi Mills) and be able to invite him to join us as well. We were also joined by candidate Rob Zandee (BC Southern Interior).

A few other guests turned up to say hi while we dined. Ian and Vida Brodie, Diane Ablonczy, John Baird and a couple of friends from the Nepean-Carleton EDA.

I have to say it was one humour filled evening. Maybe it was the beer, but I was in stitches most of the time with good fun camaraderie, light-hearted ribbing of each other and heavier ribbing of the Liberals.

I hope the fun continues at this pace.