This morning on CTV’s Canada AM they are having a poll on flying the flag on the Peace Tower at half mast. The Liberals are proposing a motion that would have this flag fly at half mast when a soldier dies. Yet never in history has this one flag been lowered for an individual soldier. That was something done everywhere else in the nation. But the Peace Tower is different. It is representative of the nation and has set dates which it is lowered.
Well when i went to vote at the CTV poll on this subject today I noticed that the question does NOT mention it is for the PEACE TOWER and simply states “Should the flag be lowered every time a Canadian soldier is killed?”
As the results will be tied to the Peace Tower, this question is obviously going to misrepresent the nation’s opinion because we ALL know the flags should be lowered for soldiers. Just NOT on the Peace Tower.
I urge you all to vote with me NO on this issue. Click Here to vote.
Below is a jpg screenshot of the misleading question.
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Don’t you always find the press are so in such a rush to do something to divide the electorate they screw up the information. It’s almost unimaginable almost spiritual. Like God is saying mind you own business.
Someone said this about countries that get involved with Israel’s land disputes, they themselves end up with natural disasters, flooding, tornadoes etc. – Just like “mind your own business”.
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I have a radical idea — why not limit responses to active and former members of the Canadian Forces — I know from talking to many of my collegues (I retired in Jun/07 after 33 years) that the vast majority of serving and retired memebers believe November 11 is the appropriate time for such a rememberance and all this “flag flap” is hateful, partisan, self-serving politics on the part of the oppostition parties.
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They took the poll down. Ha!
You gotta love the political opportunism of the Liberals who have never and will never give a hoot about our armed forces.