Cookie Owns The Podium!!

Ok, with all the Olympic hype the past week, I could not forget to toss my daughter into the mix.

Yesterday, here at home in Kanata, the 31st Kanata Cup was held. This was the biggest event put on by the local Rhythmic Gymnastics organization. There were over 60 competitors and in her age group, Cookie took a bronze and a silver and a bronze in the overall.

Talk about owning the podium!!!

She took a silver in her Free routine, and the bronze came in her Hoop routine. A bauble with her hoop had it roll out of bounds which was her only deduction of the day. She did manage to reach it without going out of bounds herself, which would have knocked her out of the medals in that event.

I was especially pleased to see our local MP, who happens to be the Minister of Defence, Gordon O’Connor at the event to present medals to the second group of girls and I had the honour of introducing him myself. Mr. O’Connor was kind enough to give the girls a few words of congratulations and inspiration.

Being a parent of one of the local girls, we all had our duties. My rubber arm got twisted to co-announce all day Sunday but it was worth it. I had front row seats!!

A-Channel showed up and took some footage for the 6pm news. I will strip the footage out of their broadcast and post it here later tonight.