To Set The Record Straight

I had a couple of questions from friends as to why I was not posting the Mohammad based cartoons. They found my post a bit clunky. To clarify, this is my stand.

1) We DEFINITELY have the right to free speech.

Where the topic becomes fair game is when Terrorists use the name of Islam in defense of their terrorist acts. This to me is the point at which the cartoons are fine showing the terrorists how officially screwed they are. You can’t do that without, somehow, tying Islam in. In this regard, I found the cartoons perfectly fair game.

2) We DO have hate law crimes in Canada, but this does not apply in this case.

Saying something that is not allowed by the Koran is not a hate crime in my mind. It would be the equivalent of Christians in an uproar over people eating meat on Friday or of orthodox Jews getting all upset over someone turning on the stove on the Sabbath. This is the analogy many have overlooked.

But the question remains. Why won’t I post the cartoons? To be honest, I found the “Stop, Stop, We ran out of virgins” one quite funny. But, to be honest, I don’t think I have ever posted a cartoon on this blog. If I regularly posted ones I thought were funny, the virgin one would have made the cut.

This is the type of example I was referring to when I said having a Right (to free speech) does not necessarily make everything that Right defends appropriate.

I hope that explains my view well enough.