Liberals Know All About Special Advisors (Because They Wrote The Book)

When the Liberals claim Prime Ministerial adviser positions, like that of Walid Khan, are not getting any value out of the positions, they ought to know.

Liberals may be basing their skepticism about the value of MP Wajid Khan’s report to Stephen Harper on their own experience with special prime ministerial advisers.

Onetime Liberal MP Sarkis Assadourian says he never did a day’s work after being appointed a special adviser to former prime minister Paul Martin.

Shortly before the 2004 election, Assadourian agreed to step aside in his Brampton riding so that a star recruit, Ruby Dhalla, could run for the Liberals in his stead. In return, Martin gave him a job as a special foreign policy adviser.

“They put out a press release and he said to the media and the nation with a straight face I was working with him as (his) adviser on the south Caucasus and Middle East,” Assadourian said in an interview.

“The whole thing was a lie . . . I never a single day worked in his office. I was never paid a single penny.”

Repeat after me. “The whole thing was a lie ….. The whole thing was a lie ….. The whole thing was a lie.”

Wait it get’s better:

“For 15 months I was lied to,” he said.

Asked if he regrets accepting Martin’s job offer and giving up his seat, Assadourian said: “I regret knowing him as a person.”

Paul Martin should hang his head in shame.

H/T to DBT and Jack’s Newswatch.

One thought on “Liberals Know All About Special Advisors (Because They Wrote The Book)

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    January 21, 2007 at 11:19 am

    Well what do you know. How come this stuff never leaks? I have never heard squwat on this stuff before.

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