Methinks I Caused A Raucus

Well it looks like it is finally getting out into the press.

Saskatoon Star Phoenix (a CanWest paper) is now reporting on the Vellacott/Axworthy story.

During a StarPhoenix viewing of the tape provided by Vellacott, a caller asked him, “Maurice, did you used to be a Liberal candidate at one time?” Before Vellacott could answer, he went on to ask “Were you also removed from (a local church) because you were charged with sexual assault on your secretary?”

Vellacott said he has never been accused by any woman of sexual assault and has said he was never a pastor at the church or ever attended the church.

Vellacott, who was taken aback by the comment during the forum, requested the name and number of the candidate from Shaw Cable.

Axworthy has said he would investigate the matter.

“Certainly if these allegations are true, I would react to them very quickly,” he said. “We’ll investigate, we’ll find out whether the allegations are true, and we’ll make sure that if anybody did something of that sort they will not participate in our campaign in the future.”

Axworthy himself, who was present at the forum, said he heard the caller question Vellacott about sexual harassment at a church.

I actually got a call from Maurice Vellacott himself a few minutes ago and he also confirmed that the press release pretty much says it all. I haven’t heard back from Axworthy’s office yet, but I did email them this afternoon.