Smackdown – Minister Ambrose Teaches John Godfrey A Lesson About Bob Rae

The following took place during the Oral Questions in Parliament on October 31st, 2006:

Hon. John Godfrey (Don Valley West, Lib.):

Mr. Speaker, the government’s cop-out plan on global warming has no short term targets, no medium targets and no action on greenhouse gases for 50 years. While the Conservatives talk, greenhouse gas emissions are increasing.

This dead air act is a sham. It is a smokescreen designed to avoid doing anything real on global warming. No amendments to the bill could ever change that fact. When will the minister withdraw this embarrassing mistake?

Hon. Rona Ambrose (Minister of the Environment, CPC):

Mr. Speaker, I would point out to the hon. member that I believe the Liberal leadership candidate he is supporting has the same target that this government has adopted and that was recommended by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy.

I will also suggest to him that we will not do what the former government did and set arbitrary targets. We have given our word to the provinces and territories that we will work with them over the coming months and we will set short term targets in the very near future. I hope his party will work with us to make sure we can implement them.

(bold text emphasis is mine)

It’s nice to see that the Conservative Party knows more about the views of the Liberal leadership candidates than the supporters of said candidates.

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