Five Reasons The Emerson Defection Is Good For Us All

David Emerson’s defection to the Tories isn’t all the news starved MSM makes it out to be. Think on this.

1) Emerson has a background in the forestry sector and is now our International Trade Minister. What better combination to head straight into the softwood lumber issue and resolve it quickly.

2) Liberals should be pleased. One of their own, with his own mind and his own free vote, is now sitting in Cabinet. He might not be a Liberal by party anymore, but I don’t think Emerson’s views on other issues have changed.

3) The man has experience in a Federal Cabinet, which a new government can learn a lot from.

4) In situations which the Tories/NDP gang up in Parliament, this eliminates the value of the Independent seat, which eliminates the bargaining needed to pass these motions.

5) In its’ own subtle way, along with the Michael Fortier appointment, tells the other parties to play ball on accountability, because this kind of shhhaving cream is what the accountability act will prevent.