Emerson's Appointment Was A Stroke Of Genius

I love all you Tories out there, but for the ones slamming the Emerson cabinet post, I have a big fat raspberry for y’all.


February 6, 2006, The Vancouver Board of Trade

The Vancouver Board of Trade welcomes B.C. representation in cabinet

The Vancouver Board of Trade today welcomed western representation in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s new federal cabinet.

“We’re pleased with the new cabinet and especially with the strong representation from B.C. with the appointment of four B.C. MPs: David Emerson, Stockwell Day, Chuck Strahl and Gary Lunn,” commented Darcy Rezac, managing director, The Vancouver Board of Trade.

Rezac also applauded the appointment of former Liberal minister of industry, David Emerson, who has crossed the floor to his new Conservative cabinet post as minister of international trade and minister for the Pacific Gateway and the Vancouver-Whistler Olympics.

“I believe he has put Canada and British Columbia ahead of politics,” he said. “As a skilled public policy practitioner and with his vast experience in business, particularly in the forestry sector, and in international trade, he will make a strong representative for B.C. He has a long-standing association with the Olympic Games and developing the Pacific Gateway strategy. This can now be continued and will serve Vancouver and B.C. well in the long-term.”

Rezac also commented on the new structure of the Conservative government. “We are particularly pleased that the foreign affairs and international trade departments will once again be integrated.”

For further information, contact Terry Hadley, communications manager, The Vancouver Board of Trade, at 604-641-1271.

On top of the raspberry above, Liberal Premiere Gordon Campbell also endorses the decision to put Emerson in place. When this guy fixes softwood lumber and puts thousands of Canadians back to work, everyone in the Liberal/NDP loaded province will be thankful.