Tainted Blood Victims To Be Compensated – Conservatives Get It Right

I have a special vested interest in this news. My dad was one of those who received tainted blood that gave him hepatitis C. With this being such a personal issue, I have never spoken about it on my blog because of a deep seated resentment. You see, the Hep C flareups my dad had during his battle with a beatable cancer made his condition very hard to handle for the oncologists.

He was in his late 50’s. He had several years of work left in a good paying job that would have made life in their retirement much easier than it has been for my mom. The proposed payment should make life a bit easier for her in the coming years. Knowing my mom, she will probably outlive me so this is in no way tied to any greed on my part. I just don’t want her worrying about the monthly bills in her gardening years.

My dad taught me so many things that I can only mention a few. He taught me to play backgammon on an old board he had. I have been teaching Cookie on the same board and everytime I roll the dice I think of him. He taught me how to kick soccer balls and every one of T-Bone’s soccer games, I think of him. He taught me my love for hockey, which for a Greek immigrant was a major feat and every game I think of those Wednesday and Saturday nights watching Borje Salming and Darryl Sittler. He taught me to respect my elders which I still do to this day although more and more I notice that the number of people older than me is dwindling. He taught me how to work hard for what I earn and he taught me how to care for my possessions, which I think about everytime I spend a dollar or get something fixed on my truck. He taught me to tease, something Cookie reminds me of everytime she says “daaaad, quit being so sarcastic” which she has been saying since she was 6.

But most of all he taught me to joke and laugh as much as possible. I am reminded of this every bad joke my wife rolls her eyes at. (but I see the sides of her lips curling up a bit in a smile everytime.)

I miss you Pops. You can stop worrying about mom now. Stephen Harper is making things right.

5 thoughts on “Tainted Blood Victims To Be Compensated – Conservatives Get It Right

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 11, 2006 at 8:23 pm

    Was that the blood that came from Arkansas while Bill Clinton was Gov?

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    July 11, 2006 at 10:11 pm

    I am not sure. It was the first batch. The 1986 and prior.

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    July 11, 2006 at 10:42 pm

    I just remember tainted blood from prisoners was sold to Canada while Clinton was Gov of Ark.
    Sorry to hear about your dad. He sounds like he was a fine man.

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    July 12, 2006 at 4:50 am

    Touching story. I’m a 52 year old Hemphiliac with Hep C..its gone to cirohsis and I’ve been on a disability pension for a few years now. This is great news. I hope it doesn’t take more years to implement the dispersal of compensation cheques.
    God Bless you, and I’m sure your Dad is proud of you.


  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 12, 2006 at 7:43 am

    1st, He was.

    Paul, I sure hope so. And I wish you the best in your battle with it. If the Tories act on this the way they have on the promises they have made, it won’t be long.

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