Leading up to the 2020 election, there seemed to be a concerted effort to downplay the problems Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden was having with his China dealings and how Joe Biden was involved. Not only did everyone (save Fox News, NY Post and a small handful of others) downplay any issue and fail to investigate it, but they also used the protection of big tech for air cover. Facebook warnings. Twitter shadowbanning and the actual shutdown of the NY Post’s account all were irrefutable.
But just 1 month after the election and now President elect Biden in the catbird seat, the story is comin to life. Hunter Biden has come out publicly saying he is under investigation and has been for 2 years related to tax issues around his dealings. There is only a couple of reasons he would do this. 1) he is about to be exonerated, which is doubtful. Or 2) he may be in deeper trouble and close to an indictment.
We can also now add in the fact Jim Biden (the president elect’s brother) is facing a similar investigation into his dealings with a bankeupt hospital venture in Western Pennsylvania.
So what does this mean for Joe? Well he has repeatedly said he has no knowledge of his son’s business ventures, but it is becoming clearer by the day, the “Big Guy” in Hunter’s dealings is Joe Biden. Tony Bobulinski confirmed this. If the investigation can confirm Joe received any money from this venture (and let us add here that Joe Biden’s campaign has almost a third of a BILLION dollars of dark money) the odds are good he will be impeached and/or resign with his tail between his legs a la Richard Nixon.
And then we have President Kamala Harris.
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And if that doesn’t work, her and Pelosi can enact Article 25 to declare him incompetent and remove him. Pretty sure there is no scenario which has Biden lasting beyond 12 months in the big chair.