OS Bookshelf – Godless-The Church Of Liberalism by Ann Coulter

As many know, you need to take Ann Coulter with a bit of salt, but not too much. She definately does her research and footnotes her information very well.

What I found really informative in Godless is Coulter’s view of the American education system and the mythconceptions many have about teachers. Considering there is now talk in Canada of setting up a Native School Board to help swell the numbers of leftist teachers, I was quiteAnn Coulter's Godless interested in this chapter. Even if you are not a Coulter fan, you really should read it. It is full of great information on how the education system is screwing up our kids.

I am in full agreement with Coulter on this fact. When I hear teachers say “I had to take a summer job to make ends meet.” I laughed. Because she responded the way I do. I say “most people work 49 to 50 weeks a year, why do you think you, as a teacher, deserve anything different?

The last 4 chapters were quite an in depth view of Darwinism. Having read The Origin of Species years ago and being one of those who tries to balance evolution with religion, I found her information on the lack of a fossil record to prove Darwin’s theory quite interesting.

I must also say that the bad rap Coulter gets for slamming the 911 Widows is way overblown. She does deal them a nasty hand of slams but backs up the slams quite well. Similarly, she tosses Cindy Sheehan to the sharks and, as Sheehan has done, Coulter uses Sheehan’s son to do it. Nice turnaround Ann!!

All in all, it was a good read and I give it a solid 8 screws out of 10.

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