Garth Turner Staying Put, Despite What MSM Might Be Saying

Garth Turner is staying put. There was hints that the brief kerfuffle surrounding his opinionated view of the Emerson appointment was creating enough tension to have him sever his ties to the party.

Garth has, unequivocally, denounced this prediction in his blog.

Well, loyalty’s needed there, as well. I am not going to abandon the party I walked so far for. I have no intention of seeing the caucus door close behind me. I will proudly take whatever seat I have in the House of Commons. And I will respect the leader, because leadership is hard.

I have my conviction and I have my principles. They will not be compromised. But I also have my Conservative family. I told you before. In fact, I told the country this week. I am not a quitter.

I have been up and down on my opinion of Garth Turner over the years, but I am glad to have read this item today. I have always been a proponent of speaking your opinion. But where it is done is always the question. Sometimes it is best done behind party doors and once a matter is voted on, the party presents a uniform face to the public. Other times it is done in the public eye and creates a bit of news, as this did. In either case, the fact remains that not every issue will have a consensus within a party. In fact, I would go so far as to say that no issue would have a consensus within a party, but the compromise is made.

Many feel Garth may have been a bit upset about not getting a Cabinet post. I would rather give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he may have been a bit too vocal in the public eye on his view. But every issue needs a devils advocate to allow the issue to be vetted out in caucus at minimum, and within the EDA’s if necessary and not sensitive. That’s the whole point of free votes in the House.

Sometimes it just gets messier in the public eye than other issues may get. This one got too messy in my mind. I’m glad to move on to the Olympics, Rick Tocchet, and trying to take over number one in Need4Speed :Most Wanted, a past time my 13 year old son has got me hooked on.

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