OS Bookshelf: The Da Vinci Code (psst … it sucked)

The Da Vinci Code By Dan Brown

By now, half the freaking world knows about this book/movie.Da Vinci Code I just hope half the world feels about it the way I, and Opus Dei, do. It truly sucked. I found myself painfully forcing my way through it each time I sat down to lay some cable. Dan Brown really didn’t do anyone any justice with this one.

It follows the daughter of the curator of the Louvre and an American historian through a pretty unimaginative set of riddles to find the secret of the Holy Grail (which isn’t a chalice but the true writings that would blow Christianity out of the water if revealed).

I feel the best quality the book had was that the chapters were brief enough to make it worthwhile reading on the john, and long enough to provide enough paper to wipe with.