Smackdown Of The Week (June 4th, 2006)

I love this one. Jean Charest has challenged Gilles Duceppe to put up or shut up.

Charest issued the dare Friday in response to Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe’s accusation earlier this week that the premier has shown “no backbone” in demanding that Prime Minister Stephen Harper share the cost of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“If he (Duceppe) believes in what he’s saying, unless it’s empty rhetoric, well then he’ll vote against the budget in the House of Commons,” Charest retorted angrily.

“So we’ll see who has backbone.”

Charest said Duceppe should stop telling him how to do his job and start doing his own.

“Mr. Duceppe is the leader of a federal party that sits in the House of Commons with a minority government. He’s not the premier of Quebec,” Charest said.

Roasto Toasto!!! Backbone indeed. He may as well have told Duceppe his cajones are as big as chick peas.

Ahhh, Jean. You may be a Liberal now, but you still have a place in my heart.