Say It Ain't So Joe Volpe – Campaign Donations From Minors?

Liberal leadership candidate Joe Volpe must think we are all on generic Prozac to not notice what is going on. From the Globe and Mail:

Mr. Volpe has received donations of $5,400 each from five current and former executives of Apotex Inc. and 15 of their relatives, including some who are under 18.

Companies are banned by law from donating money to a federal leadership campaign and individuals cannot donate more than $5,400. The law also prohibits individuals from donating money on behalf of someone else.

Apotex chairman Barry Sherman, his wife Honey, and four of his children each donated $5,400, as did Apotex president Jack Kay, his wife Patricia, and two of his children.

A spokesman for Apotex, Elie Betito, told The Canadian Press last week that four of the children are teenagers. He did not return phone calls from The Globe and Mail.

A former vice-president of Apotex, Allen Shechtman, his wife Mary, and three of his children, also donated $5,400. Mr. Shechtman told The Globe on Monday that not all of the donors are adults, but did not specify their ages. He did not return a telephone call yesterday.

I guess when you can’t take corporate donations, you do the next best thing. Take close to $100,000 from the top executives (or ex-top execs), their spouses, and their children.

The Liberal leadership race was supposed to have been refreshing. You know what would be refreshing? Seeing Joe Volpe walking from house to house meeting people and asking for $25 or $50 donations. THAT would be refreshing. But we all know Joe Volpe doesn’t walk anywhere. He much prefers $1000 limousine rides.

Someone get me some Tylenol. None of that generic stuff for me. I support the research the brand name companies do. Hmmm… I remember reading something about the McGuinty Provincial Liberal plan to move drug plans to the generic market for cost savings recently. I wonder how much of this contract Apotex is going to get.

ADDENDUM: On Mike Duffy Live tonight, NDP MP Pat Martin mentioned that he thinks one of the children who made a $5400 donation to Volpe is 8 years old. This is getting quite interesting. I can’t wait to find out how this one ends. Now to note: It is not illegal for an 8 year old to donate to a politician, but the optics are brutal.

ADDENDUM: On the radio today (June 1st) I heard that there was a pair of 11 year old twins who were part of the donation list.  But I have not had confirmation of any 8 year olds other than Pat Martin’s thoughts yesterday on Mike Duffy Live.

I am also pleased to note that Joe Volpe has asked for a review of his donations and has asked that monies donated by the children be returned if the information is accurate that he received donations from them.  Maybe Joe does have an ounce of decency after all.