Smackdown Of The Week (May 27th, 2006)

In today’s National Post, page A10, Sue Montgomery’s article entitled Guite will not call witnesses at fraud trial

Two good summer students could have produced that

These words were spoken by Jacques Nantel, a marketing professeur with the Montreal based Ecole des hautes etudes commerciales, with regards to Groupaction getting paid $500,000 for a report on what Ottawa could do to increase it’s visibility. This took place in Chuck Guite’s trial.

So what Mr. Nantel is saying is that we, the tax payers, paid Groupaction half a million dollars when we could have paid two summer students for the same quality of report. All I know is that when I worked summers between college, I made anywhere from $7000 to $12000 depending on the job I got that summer.

Are you feeling better about the Liberals getting tossed out on their ears yet? I know I sure am.