Will Jack Backtrack On Ontario NDP Decision?

In a divisive turn of events, the Federal NDP is looking to reverse the decision to eject Buzz Hargrove from the party as a member. The Ontario branch had removed Buzz on constitutional grounds, and because of the way the party is structured, this effectively booted Buzz from the national party too.

Jack Layton called Buzz Hargrove last Friday, leaving a positive voice mail which indicated Jack was looking forward to working things out with Buzz to ensure he is on board with the NDP fully next election. They are even meeting today. The party is now looking at ways to reinstate Buzz nationally.

This begs the question: With Toronto being such a core support location for the NDP, does the decision to boot Buzz create a division between Ontario Dippers and the rest of the leftist group in Canada?

I don’t know. But I will say this. A large group within the party wants him out (including Judy Wasylycia-Leis). The leader sounds like he likes Buzz and wants him in. Sound familiar? It should. It parallels the Emerson/Fortier appointments.

Jack’s next move will be watched closely. How sweet would the irony be if he reversed the Ontario Dipper decision.