I Love ATI But…

For the past few days I have been experiencing some really weird problems … errrrr … computer driver issues … errrrr … catastrophic crashes and blue screens. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Catastrophic crashes and blue screens.

Nowhere online have I found a good fix. (And believe me, I tried). I think I have rebooted or had to power down a blue screen at least 50 times the past 24 hours.

I gave up this morning. I uninstalled all the ATI software and drivers, rebooted in VGA mode (which sucks cuz I can’t use my dual screens) and I will have the beast in the shop for a fix tomorrow morning.

The ironic part is that I have sold semiconductors (and other components) to ATI and tons of other companies in Canada. I guess it’s true a mechanic’s car is always in awful shape.

All right. That’s it for my griping. The ATI Radeon has served me well and it will do so again. I am pretty sure I created havoc on the system myself somehow so I am pretty sure someone smarter than me can fix it.