Quit Pulling On Tiger's Tail And Just Enjoy His Play

Under the “Who’s Screwed” tab at the top of this page it says:

OfficiallyScrewed.com is a website dedicated to logically degrading, demoralizing, and deflating those that our society chooses to shower with press, praise and perfume (not to mention MONEY) for being imbeciles and officially screwing us, usually politically.

This usually refers to politicians or crazy celebrities, (the octomom being a classic example).  But with regards to Tiger Woods it does not apply to the golfer himself, but to the women trying to achieve fame by dragging him down.

I have said this before and I will say this again.  If it has to do with his career, his golf swing, his physical condition, his sponsors, his choice in tournaments, his play, his views on other golfers, etc. then it is fair game.  If it has to do with his wife or the women in his life, it really is not anyone’s business.

I am proud to say that despite all the news articles out there, I have maintained my lack of disinterest in his personal situation and to this day I cannot name a single women tied to his infidelities, nor do I care to learn their names.  I AM excited that he is getting back in the game because I love watching him and cheering him on.  He is the best thing that has happened to the game of Golf in decades and I think Golf knows this. (As does the PGA)

You go Tiger.