It's Official – Larry Zolf Is An Unknown Knob

After reading about Mr. Zolf on a few other websites and taking my poll results into consideration, it is official. Larry Zolf, semi-retired CBC Political reporter is an Unknown Knob!!

Total votes: 29

Larry Zolf is a Knob – 21 votes
Larry Zolf is NOT a Knob – 0 votes
Who is Larry Zolf? – 8 votes

I know my site is visited by a majority of conservative voters, but when Larry can’t even get a single vote stating he is NOT a knob, then I have to wonder.

a) He is an unknown knob, or

b) The same sick fascination that had over 227,000 people vote to boil Larry the Lobster on Saturday Night Live back in 1982 has afflicted the readers of my site. (Note: Larry the Lobster was saved because 239,000 people voted to NOT boil him.)

My vote is with a) considering even a tasty crustacean had more compassion from voters.