Is Forced Sharing Communism?

Yesterday at the dinner table, my wife was talking to Cookie about pencils. Cookie, my 10 year old daughter, commented that they don’t have their own pencils at school.

This made me perk my ears up a bit to listen closer.

She then proceeded to explain that in her class they have a box where they all put their pencils at the beginning of the year and when you need a pencil, you can just go up and get one from the box.

I distinctly remember pencils being on the school supply list which we, as parents, were asked to supply our children with at the beginning of the year. Now I am all for the school offering up a solution which has every student put ONE pencil into a community box which they can “borrow” from for a day when they forget their own. But for the whole class to lump ALL of their pencils into one community pile which the children draw from is not sharing. It’s communism.

Am I being paranoid? A few years ago, I remember that the kids had “1 Box of Facial Tissues” on their school supply list and the teacher took them all on the first day and kept one box on her desk the whole year for kids who needed them. What happened to parents who either kept their sick kids home or sent them to school with a pocketfull of tissues when they were sick?

I distinctly remember things like pencils and tissues and art supplies being paid for by the school when I was a child. Now we are not only forced to send supplies with our kids, but the school is forcing the children to share. Cookie knows well enough to let a friend borrow a pencil if they forgot one, but this classroom communism is pushing my limits a bit.

Someone tell me I am wrong (with a valid argument please!!)

Thanks Ontario Teachers For Making Our Kids More Stupid

Ontario Elementary Teachers Federation voted to reduce the number of annual report cards from three to two.

Am I the only one who sees a problem here?

I wonder what my boss would do if me and the other sales guys said we were going to cut our customer visits by 33%. I’ll tell you what they would do. They would fire all our asses.

Once again, the honest taxpayer is getting OfficiallyScrewed.

My wife pays very close attention to the homework the kids are assigned and we work hard to strengthen their basic reading, writing, and math schools.

But how many parents rely on the report cards to determine how their kids are doing? How many kids are going to find the halfway point too late in the year to pull their bootstraps up?

I’m pretty upset at this. How could teachers have possibly gotten by for decades doing three report cards and all of a sudden it is too much?

Perhaps if the schools stopped teaching left wing politics and stopped giving lessons to grade schoolers on how to put a condom on and focussed on the three R’s and the report cards, the world would work just fine and dandy.