Barely a month since he was sworn in and Ford Derangement Syndrome is spreading among Moonbats

Ford Derangement Syndrome… exists. Symptoms include (but are not limited to) the following:

-Does your blood pressure rise when you are at a red light behind a Fusion, Explorer or Mustang?
-Do you think Doug Ford was the Mayor of Toronto and smoked crack?
-Were you a Minister in the Wynne Government?
-Do you feel the urge to give condoms to 5th graders?
-Are you fearful your social assistance will finally run out after 10 years of sitting at home watching Drew Carey on The Price is Right?
-Are you afraid the corner store clerk will not be smart enough to card kids for beer even though he has been carding them for smokes for years?
-Are you the former head of the OPA?
-Do you have a pending contract for a solar installation that will pay you way more than the going rate for electricity?
-Are you a member of a public sector union?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to immediately check yourself in to the nearest hospital or medical clinic funded by McGuinty increased health taxes and start reading Ayn Rand novels and watch episodes of Milton Friedman’s Free to Choose until you recover. Avoid watching any Canadian news stations for at least 8 years. (Longer if Ford wins a 3rd term)