The Toronto Star has an article in which Paul Martin calls to NDP voters to vote strategically.
“There’s got to be a coalition of progressive voters,” Martin said in an interview with CBC TV yesterday.
“I think that that is the position that an awful lot of people who support the NDP are going to find themselves in. If they vote NDP, then obviously that’s not a progressive vote that’s going to win out, and the option to that is Stephen Harper, and I think a lot of people are going to take that into account.”
In my opinion, this circumvents the whole electoral process. We have many parties, we vote for the party whose platform we like best, and send the MP’s to Ottawa. Once there, it is up to all the parties to work together to decide on issues. Coalitions can be formed, sides taken on specific issues and votes, etc.
By Paul Martin calling for NDP voters to think about who the leader will be is a slap in the face to our intelligence and to our system of government. We do NOT vote for the leader of a country, Mr. Martin. You of all people should know that. You took over office without one citizen’s ballot cast for you to be our Prime Minister. This country’s system is a parliamentary one. We send our representative. If you don’t believe me, take a look at your ballot come election day. I guarantee you will never get a ballot that shows every party leader’s name on it. (Yes, some of you do vote for Martin or Harper, but you do so because you live in their riding).
Nuff said. I’m sick of the spin in this election. Can we not just get to Monday already?